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  1. alan morrison

    metal sheets

    I would like to incorporate copper/brass /aluminium into my pens and would appreciate guidance on the optimum thickness to use. The sheeting would be to highlight between two different woods. I would be grateful to know a good source. Thanks in advance Alan
  2. F

    Laser Engraving

    Hi all I have been thinking a lot about pen engraving and lasers. There are a few youtube videos but I would like to know more. Knowing me, I will probably tattoo myself:rolling: If anyone has any ideas on the best make of machine, type etc. I would be very grateful. Cheers Frederick
  3. Jim

    Things Are On The Up

    Thank you everyone for the messages left for my wife Carol, today she returned home after 15 days in hospital. I won't go into much detail at this time but i will add that God was on our side and for whom i will be ever grateful. I will be popping a little more but please forgive me if i am...