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  1. flexi

    Kitless cheating

    Hi Guys, I like stepless joints on my bullet case pens, so I am a bit limited. I have found these in the US and thought I would try, but these are also great for going kitless without the tap and die problems...
  2. Bucks

    Round Alumilite Pen Blanks for kit and Kitless / Custom Pen Turners

    We’ve started adding a new range of round Alumilite pen blanks to our website, available in 135mm & 215mm lengths, ideal for kit and kitless / custom pen turners www.penblanksandmoulds.co.uk/round-alumilite-pen-blanks
  3. R

    Kitless in well just about every colour

    Really don't like this blank, had to say that first. It worked very well, but just too much for me. Good practise for though.
  4. P

    Kitless twig.

    As Ash has been blowing everyone away with his amazing kitless turnings I thought I would try and give him a run for his money with my kitless twig.:thumbs: This kit does not have a cap, so it could get messy.:funny:
  5. R

    Most satisfying pen to date. Kitless in Oak

    Finally got to turn the pen I have had in mind for some time now. It has been a big learning curve to get to this point. It is far from perfect, but as it is still only the third Kitless pen I have completed I am very happy with it. Next one will be better. Loving the freedom to use imagination...
  6. angelo49

    Kitless FP

    Another kitless #6 JOWO nib. Red, black, white acrylic.
  7. Bucks

    My first attempt at a kitless pen

    My first attempt at a kitless pen that I turned last week from one of my own blanks, I’ve learnt quite a bit turning this & managed to make a couple of mandrels in the process.
  8. angelo49

    Kitless Aluminum with Brass accents

    Kitless Aluminum with Brass accents turned rings #5 JoWo Nib I took the 2 photos with the same light, same camera, same distance, same settings, SAME EVERYTHING!! Why so different??
  9. J

    Maybe a daft question.

    What is meant by a kitless pen?
  10. ValleyBoy

    A real "sheducation"

    Well it’s taken a pandemic virus, long term lockdown and possible global economic collapse for me to justify spending some quality time in my shed at last. So I’ve tried to make the most of the time and I’ve had a go at making my own clips. This example is hammered bronze paired with krinite...
  11. T

    Kitless pens

    Just thinking should I have a dabble at kitless pens what is the minimum equipment required,various sizes tape and dies etc
  12. R

    First Kitless pen

    Well I managed to get around to making my first Kitless pen. Every other time I started to think about it something else came up to stop me. I will be remaking another matching lid as I messed the first one up putting a hidden clip on it. I am however pleased that I have a functioning pen that...
  13. angelo49

    Another kitless fountain pen

    Another kitless fountain pen, black and white acrylic.
  14. angelo49

    Desert Camo Kitless FP

    Desert Camo Kitless FP JoWo #5 Nib
  15. ValleyBoy

    Kitless - Emerald City diamond cast

    Made a few kitless pens in the last week or so, and I am still very new to this. My main challenge with the first few was the finish on the external barrel threads. Even though they cut cleanly they were always looking a bit lacklustre compared to the rest of the barrel once I’d finished...
  16. angelo49

    Kitless pen postable cap

    I've made many kitless pens with all types of material but never with a postable cap. Anyone ever do this? Angelo
  17. ValleyBoy

    First kitless pen

    I just made my first kitless pen. Man it was tricky. Kudos to all you guys who make this look so easy. I spent ages designing and planning it up front but lots of things happened during the build that I hadn't catered for. Also I made a pretty basic mistake in my dimensions during the design...
  18. angelo49

    Kitless FP Black and White Acrylic

    Kitless FP Black and White Acrylic #6 JOWO NIB
  19. alpha1

    Kitless pens

    I have decided to have a go at making a kitless pen probably a fountain pen. I have purchased a bunch of taps and dies from various sources. Watched endless youtube videoes. I should have all the tooling and taps and dies etc by the end of next week. Then I intend to give it a go. I have sold...
  20. angelo49

    Kitless Fountain Pen

    Another kitless, black - white with #6 JOWO nib