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£1 challenge


Executive Member
Aug 25, 2013
In the wood shop
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My younger son`s secondary school has a £1 challenge, each 1st year pupil is given a pound & asked to try & accumulate as much money as possible by investing the money in what ever way they can, but preferably involving the school in some way such as baking & selling cakes to pupils & staff.

My first thought of a pound on the nose of a runner at Newmarket was promptly refuted by the childs mother, so my grey matter came up with an idea I'd seen many years ago on a turners craft stall.
Basically striped down Bic pen nib & ink tubes inserted in wooden shells which said child could sell at school.

Not having a long 4mm drill bit I opted to drill from both ends of the blank, hence the need for Padauk end cap. Then turned between centers it was held on the lathe with a live center in the tailstock & a scrap of wood held in pin jaws which had been turned down to a nib that was a tight fit in the 4mm hole.
This is the resulting pen made from Laburnum & finished with CA.

The only paid for item is the Bic pen which was about 10p, the wood was off cuts that I will be glad to use up so hopefully he should be able to succeed in his money making enterprises .
I on the other hand now realise I`ve made another rod for my back :rolling:


Jul 12, 2013
at home
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Well done Doug lets hope he gets the sales for them tell him to bring some along and sell them on my stall Christmas


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Very well made and thought out Doug, now at 10p each shouldn't you be making ten of them ... :bwink:


Executive Member
Aug 25, 2013
In the wood shop
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Take a guess
Thanks for the comments, much appreciated :thumbs:

tell him to bring some along and sell them on my stall Christmas

Thanks for the offer Woody,I`ll have to find out more about the conditions of the challenge before I could take you up on your kind offer.
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