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A cheer for Beaufort Inks


Graduate Member
Sep 1, 2015
United Kingdom
First Name
Hi all
Had a surprise package in the post today. Phil from Beaufort Inks had seen a recent picture of a rollerball I've made and felt that it deserved one of his lovely rollerball refills so sent me a couple. Many thanks, Phil. A very generous act and I will put them to good use in a couple of pens I'm making for two of my pupils. If you've not used Phil before for refills, nibs, etc, I can highly recommend his services - great quality and about the best postage charges I've ever seen!


Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
It's my pleasure Stewart. Can't have you showing pictures of your kitless pens with dodgy refills in them, now can we!!:bwink: Actually, the real reason for the package was to send you some spare nib housings, because I know you need to experiment with then in your kitless work - and if you can make use of the rollerball refills too, then I'm delighted.

The trouble now is that everyone's going to be posting pictures of pens with shite refills, in the hope that.... (Oh wait, actually, they already do):devil:


Graduate Member
Sep 1, 2015
United Kingdom
First Name
It's my pleasure Stewart. Can't have you showing pictures of your kitless pens with dodgy refills in them, now can we!!:bwink: Actually, the real reason for the package was to send you some spare nib housings, because I know you need to experiment with then in your kitless work - and if you can make use of the rollerball refills too, then I'm delighted.

The trouble now is that everyone's going to be posting pictures of pens with shite refills, in the hope that.... (Oh wait, actually, they already do):devil:

There would have been one of your refills showing with the pen - except for the fact that I got the nib so wrong the first time that I got the refill completely stuck in it and (ahem) damaged it when I had to forcibly remove it...:sob:
The extra housings are certainly appreciated as well. Half-term break coming up so I hope to get a day at least in the workshop to get making sections!
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