Some of you have met cheeky chops by now she seems to have made her mark on the forums today and left our house in turmoil as usual.
We have had a day of spinning with some success and some disasters.
This is her first effort closely supervised by me init?
A black circuit board pen for her geeky brother in New Zealand.
Next was a green circuit board pen for her geeky dad.
I left her as she was finishing this Empress, Son no 2 came round with his car problems for me to hurt my back on.
Came back when she had finished this and the next pen with help from her know-it-all brother.
I have to take my hat off to the pair of them for attempting this one, even if it is disgraceful she loves it for her own school pen.
She laughed when I called it Frankie's pipe and she has named it that. I explained that it is polythene piping usually for underground use.
That it is like polishing a turd and she had done well to even achieve this.
We have had a day of spinning with some success and some disasters.
This is her first effort closely supervised by me init?
A black circuit board pen for her geeky brother in New Zealand.
Next was a green circuit board pen for her geeky dad.
I left her as she was finishing this Empress, Son no 2 came round with his car problems for me to hurt my back on.
Came back when she had finished this and the next pen with help from her know-it-all brother.
I have to take my hat off to the pair of them for attempting this one, even if it is disgraceful she loves it for her own school pen.
She laughed when I called it Frankie's pipe and she has named it that. I explained that it is polythene piping usually for underground use.
That it is like polishing a turd and she had done well to even achieve this.