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A few blanks arrived from RockyB


Mar 2, 2014
Lincoln, UK
First Name
I had some blanks arrive in the post a couple of days ago from Rocky Bemis, all about 2 x 1 inch so big enough to do larger pens and in matched pairs, redwood pin burr, spalted maple burr, buckeye & maple cluster burr

A bit of stabilizing to do here especially with the buckeye, better get the CA out. :thinks:

Rocky by the way as just about recovered from his illness & went back to work ripping logs in his CAT last week, we may not hear from him a great deal through the summer but he will be back with us when the logging season ends. But he will update his website with new batches of blanks in between.

RockyB wood 01 1024 x 714.jpg


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Good to hear he is well again Billy, some of the best Buckeye i have came from this guy .. :winking:
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