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A Segmented Gold plated slimline pen


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Walnut and no idea what the other is :nooidea:... Both pieces were sent to me by Ed, (naxie) As soon as i saw them i knew that they would be used for segmenting, No idea why? :whistling:

Finished using EEE-Ultra Shine and Shellawax Cream polish ...



Full Member
Jun 28, 2013
Hi Jim, these three pens are what it is all about for me. I've just made my tenth pen, and looking at your stuff shows me what a long way there is to go ! Even your photography is excellent!
Regards Terry


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Hi Jim, these three pens are what it is all about for me. I've just made my tenth pen, and looking at your stuff shows me what a long way there is to go ! Even your photography is excellent!
Regards Terry

Thanks for that Terry, i guarantee like us the more you learn you will still feel you need to play catch up, that is what makes our hobby expensive and very addictive .. :thumbs:

jttheclockman will hopefully put some of his work in the forums, you will then see what i mean ... :wink:
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