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Advice on suppliers


Apprentice Member
Dec 27, 2013
North Alabama
What supplier of pen kits do you feel has the most integrity?

Are they just here in the US or are they some good suppliers elsewhere?

Which supplier gives the best "technical advice"?

What pen kit is the most reliable in your opinion?

Do you turn acrylic?

Are there different "quality" acrylic blanks"

Thanks for the advice.


grave manibus faciendum
Oct 7, 2013
First Name
I use a variety of suppliers and kits but am more recently, due to members on here pointing them out, using Timberbits in Australia. I have never had a supplier that won't give you technical advice although after turning a few pens you won't need any an you'll probably find this forum will give you whatever advice you require.

When it comes to buying bespoke fittings the only place I know of at the moment to get such things as silver is the states but I haven't looked that hard.

With regards to reliability, there are so many. The basic slimline is a good kit and at only a few pounds is very versatile in what you can do with it. I think most people have their own favourite kits and mine is the Sedona although the Roman Harvest, Sierra and many others are just as good, if not better in some peoples opinion.

I have only done a few acrylics so unfortunately cannot help but I am sure there are good and bad ones. Some of the others on here will undoubtedly help you there.


Chairman Plonker
Executive Member
Jan 31, 2013
An exile Geordie living in Kingston upon Hull
First Name
The Penkit supplier mostly used on this forum is Timberbits in Australia. I don't think they can be beaten on price or quality and are most helpful when needed. Which penkit is the most reliable is very subjective as we all have our own favourites and the same applies with acrylics as some turners love them and others hate them!!!!


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
What supplier of pen kits do you feel has the most integrity?

Are they just here in the US or are they some good suppliers elsewhere?

Which supplier gives the best "technical advice"?

What pen kit is the most reliable in your opinion?

Do you turn acrylic?

Are there different "quality" acrylic blanks"

Thanks for the advice.

Answer 1. Two I have faith in ED Brown USA Exotic Blanks.com, Australia David Lim Timberbits.com. There are dozens of dealers in both countries with integrity.

Answer 2. See 1.

Answer 3 . Most big suppliers give superior technical advice with how to sheets per kit and some with Videos.

Answer 4. The most reliable Pen Kit for me is the Slimline with Streamline Centreband.

Answer 5. Yes I turn Acrylic sometimes. Preference timber.

Answer 6. Yes as many variances as car makers and models. Mostly you get what you pay for.

VEry brief Synopsis mate would take two hours to give you in depth answers these just starting points. eg I dont deal in blanks or kits in the UK .

Kind regards Peter. PS the libraries on the US forum IAP, the Aussie Forum U Beaut and the UK site we are on now all have Libraries, Supplier info Tech help.:thumbs:


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
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Hi G^2,
To be honest, living in USA you would probably find a list of top suppliers and specialist kits by joining the IAP. Not saying that we can't advise on here, but if you join them you will be able to use the group buys on the forum that are run at time to time as they get a good discount.

IAP Home
Craft supplies USA, they only deal in good quality kits.
Pen Making Kits, Blanks and Supplies for Pen Making | Craft Supplies USA
Woodturningz are also very good, Ryan will always advice on what is available or new to the market.
berea hardwoods, another good source.
Pen Kit Making Supplies Berea HardWoods

As for answers to your other questions, I would need a day to reply to the thread as there are allot of questions. What I believe you would be better doing is to have a look around this forum and others, that way you will get a feel for what is available and what you feel you can achieve.

As for advice, you are in the right place now, as there is allot of experience on here already....:thumbs:


May 21, 2013
Hitchin, Hertfordshire
First Name
What supplier of pen kits do you feel has the most integrity?

Are they just here in the US or are they some good suppliers elsewhere?

Which supplier gives the best "technical advic

What pen kit is the most reliable in your opinion?

Do you turn acrylic?

Are there different "quality" acrylic blanks"

Thanks for the advice.

All chinese or Taiwanese and the average pen maker will not have the volume or enthusiasm to deal direct, it can weaken your heart, stretch your patience and for the amount you save its not worth your sanity. Besides I dont speak Chinese.

Fundamentally two major designers, Penn State Industries
Berea Hardwoods

Berea Hardwoods are terrible to deal with and PSI are worse.
1) Recognise that there are other land masses East of Florida or West of Hawaii
2) Understand that not everyone knows, understands, or cares about the regulations concerning the US Postal service and what constitutes a priority mail service
3) Believe that they are in any way to blame for anything that could possibly ever go wrong.

Even their distributors hate doing business with them!

PSI pens I buy from Woodturningz, Fritz and Ray are great, easy to deal with, both served in the US Air Force and understand about a big wide world inhabited by people other than employees of PSI.
Berea Pens I generally dont buy as they aren't particularly well engineered in my opinion and are out of date, I just swear in a Monty Python sort of way when I say "Filligree". An awful pen, and when so many people complained that it was terrible Berea put an argument on their website saying that all woodturners who couldnt cope with the filligree pen were lacking experience! Yeah right!

Ed Brown at Exotic Blanks really helpful, Ernie at Bear tooth woods but never done business with him as he seems to deal mainly with Berea who I dont like!
David Lim, Timberbits, Sydney NSW. Wins hands down on cost, timing and quality.

Like Eamonn could go on for hours, but if you having anything specific please ask.
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