kIETH i KNOW WHERE YOU ARE COMING FROM PAL oops sorry for shouting, I have entered a request for new keyboard fingers and a mouse hand but slow delivery on them at the moment.
Back to the point init?
I pride myself on my finishing skills, always have done since a youngster in the RN when duke of Edinburgh said "shiniest boots I have seen all day", he didn't say that to anyone else on parade and I got the job of shoe shiner to the skipper.
I have a Jnr gent in black African or the other way round and it will not take a shine don't matter what I do to it.
I have ca'd it, came up white. I have oiled it, lastrd a few days. I have waxed it until it shone like whotsit in a oojamflips arse but it still wore away in a week.
It sits on my desk now and it is flat as a witches tit. Don't matter what I do it will not hold a shine, it is now split where it has been on and off the lathe rubbed with meths and started again so many times.
I give in with it, yet al the others from the same branch came out lovely. Sods law mate win some lose some init?