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Dave, I havent ventured into the world of kitless pens....I'm not even sure that it is on my bucket list.
As a matter of interest, how have you found the experience so far, and what extra equipment have you had to purchase?
First mistake was not doing enough research before buying tooling I bought a triple lead set of taps and dies in 12x0.8 for Bock size 5 nib having used them If I was starting again would go for 13 for a Bock size 6.
I am experemnting with 13 x 1 and 10 x 1 taps and dies using a Bock size 6 nib.
I am lucky I have a well equiped work shop with metal and wood lathes and milling machines.
Up to now I have more failures than successes but I will get it right.
I have bought quite a bit of kit of Beufort Ink mandles etc. Drill bits are a problem going between metric and Imperial.
Mainly I am making it up has I go along. Its proving expensive my advice is if you are not sure you can sell kitless and turn a profit dont go there.
I am not expecting to make any money from this its just a itch I need to scratch.
I have four different pens on the go at the moment and they are all not working out as I had planned.
They may get finished or they may get binned. We will see.
Do I sell the 12 x 0.8 Triple lead tap and die or not hmm we will see.