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Anyone used


grave manibus faciendum
Oct 7, 2013
First Name
I think this site got a slating once before and then they came on the forum to tell us about themselves and we were a bit more sympathetic but I wouldn't use them as most of the stuff is from Ritzheng and its ordered from Ritzheng when you place your order with them. If they're still on the forum and watching, they should update the site to have a proper shop. Having said this I might be wrong and its not them at all :thumbs:


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
The guy that runs it is Sam along with his wife Rachel., he is a very busy guy running stalls selling his pens around the middlands area.

He also orders kits for other pen turners as well.

I have met them both and they are honest, trustworthy and very nice people.

I think this site got a slating once before
I think you will find they didn't get a slating, just a little bit of concern of the lead times for postage.

as most of the stuff is from Ritzheng and its ordered from Ritzheng when you place your order with them.

That is correct, when they place an order for pen kits to replace his own then they will place your order at the same time, that's where the potential delay comes in with getting your kits to you.

I don't buy my kits from them as I prefer the higher quality kits.
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Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Looks like he has changed the site since the last thread about them was made .. :bwink:
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