A Chairmans dressed in Ash Burr and finished with ca. After assembling this pen the thread on the cap seperated and went up inside the cap. I've had this on a few pens and so a dab of ca usually sorts it out. This time however I put the ca on and went to pull the thread down and it stuck... the damn ca had crept up to it and sealed it. No problem says I and go the ca remover out... spilled it all over the floor and then put some where I wanted it... no good, it was stuck tight. I took the cap apart and aplied copious amouts of remover and then put it in the vice to try and gently ease it together... Phew that worked.
In putting it together the second time I forgot to put the silver band between the two gold bits at the screw end of the cap but I think I prefer it without so didn't bother to take it apart again.
Alls well that ends well.
In putting it together the second time I forgot to put the silver band between the two gold bits at the screw end of the cap but I think I prefer it without so didn't bother to take it apart again.
Alls well that ends well.