Had a go yesterday but first fixed the failed Mistral pen which broke even more when I tried to dismantle it so I ended up re-making the business end from scratch. It feels nice in the hand but I don't like it much. I'm sure it will appeal to one of my extended family members though.
I bought some 308 shells from Alex so attempted to make something at least resembling a pen following the tutorial from Paul. (Thanks Paul).
It's far from perfect but as a practice piece I'm fairly happy and didn't find it too difficult. Just used some teak out of my scrap box blanks in case I bo...xed it up. I could have got the fit between shell and blank tighter and the shell case had quite a few scratches which I didn't try too hard to eradicate on this one.
I had cleaned up the shell case before finishing the timber but managed to get a little CA on the shell edge even though I wrapped it with masking tape. It wouldn't come off except with abrasive so I did something wrong there.
And I had a "plonker" moment. - The drill bit stuck when drilling the end cap and I instinctively grabbed the shell case between forefinger and thumb. (I bloody knew it was hot :stupid:) so lovely smell of burning flesh and I've erased my fingerprints:witless: I'll drill the next one on the press.
It's given me confidence to try again and maybe risk a decent blank
I bought some 308 shells from Alex so attempted to make something at least resembling a pen following the tutorial from Paul. (Thanks Paul).
It's far from perfect but as a practice piece I'm fairly happy and didn't find it too difficult. Just used some teak out of my scrap box blanks in case I bo...xed it up. I could have got the fit between shell and blank tighter and the shell case had quite a few scratches which I didn't try too hard to eradicate on this one.
I had cleaned up the shell case before finishing the timber but managed to get a little CA on the shell edge even though I wrapped it with masking tape. It wouldn't come off except with abrasive so I did something wrong there.
And I had a "plonker" moment. - The drill bit stuck when drilling the end cap and I instinctively grabbed the shell case between forefinger and thumb. (I bloody knew it was hot :stupid:) so lovely smell of burning flesh and I've erased my fingerprints:witless: I'll drill the next one on the press.
It's given me confidence to try again and maybe risk a decent blank