I pay between six and 10 pounds for a table at a fair. I sell my slimlines for between 6 & 8 pounds each in a velvet pouch. Zeta's, epsilons, Sierra's and cigars are between 10 and 12 pounds depending on the materials. Obviously if I were to use expensive exotic woods or high end acrylic blanks then the price would alter to cover costs, but I'm talking about your run of the mill acrylic blanks etc.
I'm surprised how many people tell me that "no one really uses pens any more." Really?????? Do they sign greetings cards in blood? Maybe I'm just old fashioned but I use a pen. I understand what they mean in the respect of social media means we keep in touch in a digital manner these days. But a pen (I think) is as much a personal gift as a writing instrument. Maybe I really am just old fashioned?
OK Steve, you asked for it ..
Your prices are bloody ridiculous.
Steve, it seems to me you haven't thought it through at all. You are selling handmade wooden pens ... for £6 ... can't be that special then can it ? Zeta's, that take half the amount of time for a £10 ...
You have to think about what these actually cost you. Kit, Blank, velvet pouch, finishing products, sand paper, wear and tear on tools and machinery, electricity, display set up, fuel to get to these fairs, pitch fee, probably buy a coffee or 2, insurance.
Plus you haven't calculated in the time it takes you ....
Steve, these fair's are costing you money .....
if you take the easy bit, slimline, say kit for £2 + £3 for a blank .. so out of that £1 profit you got to pay for everything else, oh yeah, you giving a velvet pouch with a pen, .50p say, so now your down to 50p to pay for everything. .... can you see what I'm getting at ?
Selling cheap because you are a hobbyist is fine, but you are not doing yourself any favours.
People may think you are selling cheap because they are cheap.
What's a "run of the mill acrylic blank" cost you ?
Now, this is just my opinion and please don't be offended, I'm just trying to be constructive in my own neanderthal way