I realised I'd posted the wrong cost of the chopping board, $49 AUD was the total bill but the board was under $20 so pretty cheap at just over a tenner UK
Just had to try a piece so out late this afternoon and I thought I'd start my closed end pen using one of the bamboo blanks when I suddenly realised that no matter how slim the possibility (1% I'd say), some bright spark among us might recognize the blank and put 2 and 2 together
So, made up a Euro instead and the blank colours and pattern are superb. It is almost transluscent in places. Not easy stuff to turn though, have to be so careful to take only light cuts.
Gave it 2 coats of spray acrylic sealer and 6 of CA micro meshed to 12000 plus wax.
Photo is crap 'cos despite my offer to put tinsel around my lightbox over Christmas, it was politely suggested that I pack it away or it might disappear, never to be seen again
Just had to try a piece so out late this afternoon and I thought I'd start my closed end pen using one of the bamboo blanks when I suddenly realised that no matter how slim the possibility (1% I'd say), some bright spark among us might recognize the blank and put 2 and 2 together
So, made up a Euro instead and the blank colours and pattern are superb. It is almost transluscent in places. Not easy stuff to turn though, have to be so careful to take only light cuts.
Gave it 2 coats of spray acrylic sealer and 6 of CA micro meshed to 12000 plus wax.
Photo is crap 'cos despite my offer to put tinsel around my lightbox over Christmas, it was politely suggested that I pack it away or it might disappear, never to be seen again