alan morrison
Well that's two things I've learned today folks - I've always sanded before applying sealerAsh, I posted a photograph of a recent pen on IAP earlier which was Padauk and Sycamore mainly. Padauk is really powdery when turning it and contaminates everything around it.
I minimise sanding by taking very light turns at the end with my straight carbide turned at 45 degrees.
If done well then very little sanding is required.
An application or two of sanding sealer or CA before any sanding ( Abranet )
Hope that this helps.
Looking forward to seeing your segmenting.
Applying sealer before sanding would be the norm, Alex, though sealer first lessens colour bleed.Well that's two things I've learned today folks - I've always sanded before applying sealer
Huh? Wrong way round, surely? Sanding before sealing would be the norm in most circumstances, on a single piece of wood for instance, but applying sealer first lessens bleed in cases where there is a likelihood of colour contamination between segments of differing woods.Applying sealer before sanding would be the norm, Alex, though sealer first lessens colour bleed.
Applying sealer AFTER sanding would be the norm.Huh? Wrong way round, surely? Sanding before sealing would be the norm in most circumstances, on a single piece of wood for instance, but applying sealer first lessens bleed in cases where there is a likelihood of colour contamination between segments of differing woods.
(sorry to be pedantic Alan)