I got a request from a supplier of glass beads to the re-enactment market if I could make some small flat plaques with a recessed middles that will hold a 30mm diameter glass beads
Yesterday morning I turned this sample out of a bit of Oak I had in the shed. It is 60mm in Diameter with a 35mm recess in the middle and has a depth of 10mm.
I took it over to the bead makers yesterday afternoon and they really liked it, They have given me an initial order for 20 in any wood I want to use
Yesterday morning I turned this sample out of a bit of Oak I had in the shed. It is 60mm in Diameter with a 35mm recess in the middle and has a depth of 10mm.
I took it over to the bead makers yesterday afternoon and they really liked it, They have given me an initial order for 20 in any wood I want to use