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Beaufort Ink Converters will fit Alpha with small mod


Mar 2, 2014
Lincoln, UK
First Name
On the Alpha's that I made earlier in the week I had mentioned that unfortunately the Beaufort ink converters would not physically fit into the hardware on Dan's new Alpha's, well they do with a simple mod.

I had suggested fileing out, Phil Dart thought reaming / drilling would do the trick, well depending on if the kit is already built up or not, one of these methods is a quick remedy for the problem.

The problem is that the converter will not fit through the nib coupler at the non threaded end, at this non threaded end the coupler measures 7.72 mm, the converter measures 7.8mm at its widest point on one of the collars.

On the nib couplers that have not been pressed into the tubes i.e. straight out of the bag I found I simply needed to drill through from the non threaded end with an 8mm drill, make sure you only drill in about 5 or 6mm into the coupler otherwise the drill bit will foul the threads at the other end and likely make them unusable. The photo below shows the nib coupler after it was drilled out, you can see this leaves plenty of metal still on the coupler for when you press it into the tubes.

If you have pens already made up & now you find the Beaufort converter will not fit then drilling / reaming out is not the answer. for this you will need to file out with a round needle file, which is what I have done this morning with the 4 pens I had made last week. You need to be careful not to foul the threads as you file as any contact may ruin them. Rather than a normal filing / sawing action I filed in a circular motion clockwise then counterclockwise until I found the converter fitted.

A simple mod easily sorted out the problem

Please note there are no such problems as above with the supplied converter that comes with the pen.

bauf converters-1001.jpgbauf converters-1002.jpgbauf converters-1003.jpgbauf converters-1005.jpg

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
Nice one Billy

I've already told Dan I'm giving him a new set of Vernier calipers for Christmas. He's really grateful and said he'd give me all his unwanted Taiwanese refills in return.


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
That is what I would have done Billy..:thumbs: spot on.

But why a reamer? The difference with a reamer is that they shave smaller amounts off in a controlled manner rather than cutting it off in one swath with a drill.

The reamer is possibly a bit kinder on the fittings and a little more precise.

But both do the job..


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
We have rubbish collectors who have a watertite guarantee satisfaction or twice your rubbish back could apply to those said refills from other kit providers.

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