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Bolt Action in Olive


Executive Member
Sep 12, 2014
First Name
Oohh you have been really busy....thou i think this is a cracker...love the colours....they go soooo well:thumbs:


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
I can now eat Olives prefer cooking in Macadamia Oil, from dot size I was raised on Parables all about the Olive Tree its husbandry place in history, longevity not by my parents who were never active in the Church of Scotland or Presbyterian faith but thought indeed they felt good if I went, this I did 50 plus Sunday etc until I was 15 when I left school after the required in our house yrs at High School. I was a heavy smoker asked my Dad did he mind if I smoked in front of him and how about I make up my own mind about going to Church an agreement for the previous 10 yrs. Permissions granted from a very strong man I might add I decided to stay with my activities smoking and regular at Church. Then off to the big smoke (expression) in Sydney for a time on my own also with the blessing of my Dad who believed you learn far more by having a go and besides I must have been a wilful person. On return to Canberra within a year then I met my bride in the youth Fellowship group in a Parish 60 miles away at age 17.

So indoctrinated by everything Olive in my woodwork I experienced Olive Wood in all its beauty been absolutely mesmerised by it ever since this last thirty odd years.

So Vic your pen excites me the grain is low but by inference its fantastic for me. Thanks for showing.

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