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Bolt Action in X Cut Laburnum


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Years aqo during a hectic month spent in Tasmania with two other Peters and a four wheel drive devoted to circumnavigating this Island the owner of the vehicle born and bred in this state of Australia was like an Encyclopedia of its rich history and most every square inch of ground. The very isolation of this extraordinary Island and its very early history tied up with the UK meant introduced trees proliferated there as well from the 1700,s plantings.

One of these prior plantings was a real lot of Laburnum of gigantic proportions used as roadway plantings boundary markers. Being typical scroungers we were heavily into the indigenous Exotics unique to Tasmania and it was bypassed in their favour.

On the forum here we have another pen courtesy of Vic from Jim such a tiny blank and useful, it conveys the strength in my memory of the tree growing in grandeur in an ideal environment coupled with the weapon inferences, the two are a success I like this kit thanks Vic for your careful making and picture. Remember I grew up when we in our family were introduced to weapons from day one as a means to eat and gather our food they meant independance and survival, everyday needs in the isolation of Australia.

Good one Vic.

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