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Bullet Pens


Full Member
Jan 8, 2015
Yateley Hants
First Name
I know a few of you make bullet pens, i have made a few myself but the top section i made in wood. I wanted yo make top and bottom out of the shells but was having trouble filling the gap on the top section. I could not find brass tube anywhere that was a good enough fit to hold the clip press in part.
My way round this was to make a swage tool, you have to heat the top section but just the top 1/8 and then quench it. The swage can then be made. I then use very thin silver solder wrapped once round the base of the flare heated with a blow torch. That make a permanent fixing that will last for the life of the pen.
I dare say you may hay a far simpler way but i like to mix a bit of engineering into the construction.


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Executive Member
Sep 12, 2014
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Hi Ken,
I do a lot as you probably know, always open to new ideas...
When I first started these I bought brass bushes from the US, these were 10mm long and slide over the 7mm tubes to take up the slack at the case mouth. I have found brass tube in the UK but could not be bothered with the faff and to be honest I found a better way...
My method is/ was to wrap a set length of masking tape around the tube, the cut a 3mm groove 3mm from the top( its not critical sizes) once you have a snug fit it's glued in with Gorilla PU and left overnight to set.... The bases I drill with a 7mm drill but don't glue the tube in(or solder) it makes it easier to insert the mech later.
Of late I use a reloading press to deprime and size the case, I then fit a bullet head that I have (de leaded and) drilled out to take the pen refill. I drill the primer pocket out to 1/4" which gives a good push fit for the twist mech... No tube or glue (no failures in hundreds of rounds🤞) the beauty of this is I'm not limited only to certain calibers...
I like your idea it shows a great deal of ingenuity, keep on making them


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Full Member
Jan 8, 2015
Yateley Hants
First Name
I shall make few with my method as i wish to silver solder tubes in, looking to make then bullet proof :thumbs::thumbs:
Will post pictures when done though at the moment i am waiting on a key less chuck to arrive.
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