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Bullet Wood on a Slimline Pen


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
This is the first time that i have turned this wood and found it very workable, it takes a nice finish and looks good on a pen ... Gold plated accents with a Blackwood center band .. 6 coats of Friction with an EEE-Ultra Shine and Shellawax Cream polish ...



Executive Member
Aug 25, 2013
In the wood shop
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Take a guess
Really like that Jim, the Blackwood center band is just enough to give a lift to the plain grained timber :thumbs:

Have you ever turn one with a double center band, a piece of band on the end of each tube?


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Thanks Guys, yeah its a give away Terry in it ... :tongue:

Really like that Jim, the Blackwood center band is just enough to give a lift to the plain grained timber :thumbs:

Have you ever turn one with a double center band, a piece of band on the end of each tube?

Only with plastic Doug, on here somewhere, i used black and white plastic .75mm thickness. But you have to make sure that they are the perfect fit otherwise if you ream the ends it takes away the look ...
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