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Burgundy and Gold(ish) Fountain Pen


Graduate Member
Jul 9, 2019
First Name
Hi folks.

I hope you’re all getting plenty of time in your workshops. I’ve had a decent run recently, without life getting in the way too much.

Here’s a fountain pen I recently made in a hex shape, which I call my Posh Bic model 😊.

It’s burgundy and black acrylic with brass accent rings and an 18k gold nib. I don’t use brass often as I tend to stick to sterling, however I thought this material worked well with it.

The facets are achieved on a vertical mill and it does add a bit of time to the process. I then taper the ends. Sanding and polishing is a bit more effort too, mainly because I have to be careful that I don’t round over the edges of the facets too much.

It’s a 13mm triple lead cap and the pen is around 135mm long when capped. Fitted with a Jowo nib (the one in the picture is 18k gold). Fed by c/c.

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