Thanks for all the comments chaps.
I've been sorting out the box of goodies I referred to in my opening post & think the blanks originate from Crafts supplies when they had their place at Millers Dale as I found a few pieces with their ink stamps mark on them.
I also found another piece of the timber this pen is made from, too small to make another pen it looks like the blanks had been cut from larger pieces, but on this particular piece I could make out the letters A & M, as these were next to the out line of the stamp I surmised the name of the timber started with these 2 letters.
So 10 minutes of googling has come up with this
Amboyna Burl 1 1 2" x 1 3 4" x 6" AB3592 | eBay
Which not only looks to be a pretty good match but is also a new one on me.
So one mystery solved but the next relates to a repelling pencil kit, there are quite a few of these kits but they are not like any I`ve made before, but perhaps it`s best if I take a photo & start another thread.