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Click Pen


Full Member
Jun 28, 2013
Hi all, I would like to make my son a pen, he will be getting Xmas in a small box this year as he is working in Vietnam. I think he prefers a ballpoint with a "click" mechanism rather than the "twist" types, although I don't think he would like a bullet type. Is there something else available ? I am suffering catalogue/ebay fatigue, and as a beginner can't remember what I've seen or where.
Regards Terry


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
You can get a slimline click pen from here Terry, Click Me!! .. Thou i dare bet if you search his pen kits he may have other click pens ... :thinks:


Full Member
Jun 28, 2013
Thanks very much Woody and Jim, just what I needed ! I knew about one company but not the other. Google is brilliant but also enormous, and it is very easy to browse constantly without actually doing anything in the shed. Thanks again.
Regards Terry
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