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Coffee 'n Cream


Full Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sutton Coldfield
First Name
Afternoon all,

Came across a fascinating blank at Beaufort ink a few months ago and just got round to turning it. Threaded and capped with a Semplicita Ivory blank (the polyester is too brittle for threads) and shown with Bock #5 nibs, 076


Closed length - 147mm
Open length - 138mm
Step - 1mm.
Bock #5 076


800 KP_brown strip mstr_0000_Layer 7.jpg800 KP_brown strip mstr_0002_Layer 5.jpg800 KP_brown strip mstr_0003_Layer 4.jpg800 KP_brown strip _0004_Layer 3.jpg
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