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Noooooooo you have to drill at maximum speed with expensive drill bits. Don't you remember the thread
Doesn't look like cracks to me either, could be either of the previous suggestions but my gut feeling is that David's suggestion is the most likely as it looks like the inside of the hole was not smooth before the paint was applied.
No! No! No! Don't start that again!!. Where's me tin hat?
Thats what I thought as soon as I saw it :wink:Quite possibly heat bubbles from drilling too fast
Follow David's advice and you can't go far wrongTry drilling veeeeeeeeery sloooooowly, withdrawing the bit every 1/4 inch or so. Feel the bit with your fingertip regularly, if it's hot wipe it with a wet rag to cool it
Not convinced on the boiling acrylic theory as it would first go thick and gooey as it melted and think that the drill would have given up the ghost before it boiled. One possible answer could be a not too sharp drill being forced through the material too quickly and/or the possibility of a metric drill being used with an imperial tube.
What pen was being made and what drill were you using?
It was a streamline and I used a 7mm drill. I think I pushed the drill through too fast.