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Cross-cut while shaving? Sounds painful ...


Chief Battonager
Jan 27, 2013
Basingstoke, Hampshire
For some odd masochistic reason I wanted to do something in cross-cut Zebrano. Why I decided on a shaving kit (which means turning three different items) I'll never know. Zebrano is HARD, and loves to tear out if you try to cut cross-grain, so I have lots of mementoes of failed attempts. The secret (as your wife will tell you) is to go slowly and keep everything razor sharp. Looks the dog's danglies once done though, doesn't it? Sealed all over with CA, so should hold up to wet use okay.

Pens 131002 024.jpg

Pens 131002 027.jpg


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
This is one smart bit of turning, and a brave man going for X-Cut with Zebrano, it is difficult enough without making it more difficult ... Looks superb David, well done ... :bwink:
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