I will be placing an order with Dayacom within the next few days. What kits would you like to see in stock?
Without knowing the price, this was the kit that caught my eye on my visit to their site .. The Jr. Apollo Minimum order thou is 300 pieces ...
Without knowing the price, this was the kit that caught my eye on my visit to their site .. The Jr. Apollo Minimum order thou is 300 pieces ...
It all depends on the kits that you plan to have..
The Apollo is a nice kit, would buy but depends on the landed price..
Steer clear of the Emporer unless you have some high pen customers,they are quite a big pen and would appeal to specialist market if you have them.
I would certainly look at having some of the standard Dayacom pens rather than high end ones from you if you get a deal with them.
I like this one but would like to know whether it has a 5 mm or a 6 mm nib in it
I like this one but would like to know whether it has a 5 mm or a 6 mm nib in it
Good call, like the look of that kit, chrome or the gm would be smart, price?
I would love 1 of these, but I suspect I couldn't afford to keep it, they are looking for an agent Dan and you only have to buy 50 at a time
I've never used Dayacom before but would be interested and the one Jim has mentioned would be a good starting point !!!
Not sure if TB's buys his standard kits (Slimline, Sierra) from Dayacom or rizheng, but if he is buying the Jr.Victor from them they must be less than $10 each for him to make a decent profit from them ..