I've made a draughts board so that blind & partially sighted people can ply . the draughtsmen are turned out of corian & have a little spigot to locate them on the board. you can make a crowner by locate the spigot of one into the hole on another. this stops the pieces being knocked off the board. the draughtsmen are also 2 different shapes to distinguish them by feel.
The board is made of pine & the squares have a 3mm groove all round so you can feel the squares. Each playing square has a hole in the centre to locate the pieces & to distinguish the direction of play by feel. I'll be taking this to Blind Veterans UK at Llandudno when I go later this month.
We've also been making hedgehogs from pine cones. I saw this idea at Harrogate last year & thought it a good idea to be introduced into the arts & crafts training for blind & partially sighted. Things like this along with other training helps to get back confidence & independence. Evelyn, myself & a couple of friends Joe who's blind & Anne his wife have made & sold over 200 @ £1 each, all monies to blind Veterans. The cones are picked in the Blind Veterans grounds. We've been asked if we ship to the USA.That line of enquiry is being pursued.
The board is made of pine & the squares have a 3mm groove all round so you can feel the squares. Each playing square has a hole in the centre to locate the pieces & to distinguish the direction of play by feel. I'll be taking this to Blind Veterans UK at Llandudno when I go later this month.
We've also been making hedgehogs from pine cones. I saw this idea at Harrogate last year & thought it a good idea to be introduced into the arts & crafts training for blind & partially sighted. Things like this along with other training helps to get back confidence & independence. Evelyn, myself & a couple of friends Joe who's blind & Anne his wife have made & sold over 200 @ £1 each, all monies to blind Veterans. The cones are picked in the Blind Veterans grounds. We've been asked if we ship to the USA.That line of enquiry is being pursued.