he who pays the piper calls the tune.
"The Piper Calls The Tune"
He wields his flute with an expert hand
And then, all too soon
The dancing stops and the children stand
The piper calls the tune.
He holds their future in his palm
An old and powerful man
With missiles poised and bombs at hand
They wait for his command.
With songs of fear and bigotry
A cruel, hypnotic sound
He plays his last tune greedily
And strikes the children down.
Young David:
Whilst the instrument shown is a thing of beauty, you yourself tell it is not yet finished.
You are guilty of falling into the trap of "he who pays" rather than "the piper calling".
The customer should choose from your available stock or walk away.
if they commission from you they should wait until you are ready.
You sir are an artist in your own right, realise your worth.
Ask yourself did Ludwick Van Beethoven or Franz Schubert intend to have unfinished sympathy's?
Did Van gogh intend Mona Lisa to go without her moustache?
If pigs could fly would bacon rise?
Don't let yourself feel the pressures of workload, let the client wait, they will appreciate their purchase more for having it perfect than brining it back.
Your work is out of this world but let Veronica be your business manager init?