i've got two Makita's from Axminster. The first had a blockage in an oil tube (for the bar oil) i still haven't fixed it, as it took a few weeks to get a new one, free from Axminster even though out of warranty. So in the mean time i needed one the next day so i bought the slightly more powerful one from Axminster. That was two years ago i think and its still perfect. The chain is narrower than my Huskavarna (which i can't use at home as i live in a terraced house). The power is supposed to be the same as a 2.4 hp petrol i think. But its not quite.
But i've cut big sections in my garage, much bigger than the bar length, and yes a bit slower, but it gets there. Once i learnt how to sharpen it correctly it stopped wandering from right to left.
I use it very regularly.
You have had some very good advice re safety and i would like to add one more thought.
When i bought the first one i had just started turning and the guy from Axminster, knew i was new at chainsaws and he said the chainsaw was the most dangerous piece of kit they sell, and they sell some very large machines.
I should have took a course but i did have an hour with a tree surgeon friend. I always wear gloves even for a quick job and a hat with visor, defenders etc.
Wish i had done a course though and still should.
I would buy another Makita though, and wouldn't be without it.
Hope this helps.