Taken Eamonns quote and started another thread with it so as not to hog that one.
He is quite right in what he says, but then he usually is init?
You don't want my opinion but you'll get it anyway, in brief.
The Emperor is by far a superior kit to the Empress.
Let the debate commence init?
Quote Originally Posted by Grump View Post
I have indeed Eamonn that is what this was all about init?
I was hoping you would bring that back up.
I don't believe we ever really got to the final agreement or decision to help any future pen turners in making the decision of what kit to buy, Emperor or Empress
We had allot of people that didn't vote on the final result or even felt they could feel confident on taking part so I believe it's time you nailed your colours to the mast and give you own honest opinions on what you believe to be the better kit.
So don't sit in the fence, make your decision and recommend the right pen that would be the benefit of the forum., not what Brian would buy, cause we know The TT would not buy any of these kits?
I know you will always rise to a challenge..
Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness.
He is quite right in what he says, but then he usually is init?
You don't want my opinion but you'll get it anyway, in brief.
The Emperor is by far a superior kit to the Empress.
Let the debate commence init?