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Filling the grain in Ebony


Jul 29, 2013
Hi All

This is probably covered somewhere on the forum but I couldn't find it when I searched.

I have some snooker cue seconds, sold as ebony, I turnes a small section and finished to 1500 to see how it finished, I turned it with the grain running parallel to the axis of the lathe and I've noticed lots of small short grain voids, they are only about 2mm x .5 mm but are obviously noticable, any ideas what the best way to fill them might be?

Bill Mooney

Blind old git
Grand Master
Aug 16, 2014
County Durham
First Name
You can use either thin ca or paste wax on your sandpaper & sand with the lathe running. This will make a slurry with the wood dust to fill the grain. Apply s/sealer after sanding.
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