Appologies for the cr*p photo.
All of these kits except the streamline are new to me.
* Baron fountain pen in zebrano (my first fountain pen)
* Matching roller pen
* European in ash
* streamline - leopard / cheetah I think
* Executive clicker - as above
* Executive clicker - golf club shaft / carbon
* Workshop pencil - oak
* mach 3 razor - blackwood
I've started an aluminium pen but only got one half turned as I found it bloody hard work. Almost put it on the metal lathe but resisted so looks as if it might take a while. I don't know what grade of aluminium it is as it's from an offcut of 12mm plate i've had so long I can't remember where it came from
All of these kits except the streamline are new to me.
* Baron fountain pen in zebrano (my first fountain pen)
* Matching roller pen
* European in ash
* streamline - leopard / cheetah I think
* Executive clicker - as above
* Executive clicker - golf club shaft / carbon
* Workshop pencil - oak
* mach 3 razor - blackwood
I've started an aluminium pen but only got one half turned as I found it bloody hard work. Almost put it on the metal lathe but resisted so looks as if it might take a while. I don't know what grade of aluminium it is as it's from an offcut of 12mm plate i've had so long I can't remember where it came from