Bit of an eclectic mix of materials but practising and enjoying
Have done quite a few Omega's but all been snapped up by kids so no photos bar the acrylic one shown. Bad photos i know yes that is my thumb
Woods are Spalted Hadkberry River Red Gum Beeswing Narra Cocobolo. King Cocobolo
Acrylic on Omega is Earth's Core. Ordered some blanks from Brody so will need some more kits now Dan
Bit like golf - if it was easy it wouldn't be as much fun
Thanks all for the help and encouragement received. Andy
Have done quite a few Omega's but all been snapped up by kids so no photos bar the acrylic one shown. Bad photos i know yes that is my thumb
Woods are Spalted Hadkberry River Red Gum Beeswing Narra Cocobolo. King Cocobolo
Acrylic on Omega is Earth's Core. Ordered some blanks from Brody so will need some more kits now Dan
Bit like golf - if it was easy it wouldn't be as much fun
Thanks all for the help and encouragement received. Andy