I bought a few Omega rollerball and fountain pens recently but had not got around to trying one. As I was given some nice spalted blanks from the local woodworking club I decided to try one of the silver birch blanks. I was a bit worried it wouldn't work as the blank was a bit small as can be seen in the second picture. The bushings diameter at maximum is 13.6mm and the blank across the flats was only 15.8mm leaving just over 2mm to play with after roughing it round. I am sure someone will chip in (no pun intended) saying "pah, loads of meat on that". But I still have L plates on. Fortunately it seemed a very nice wood to turn coupled with the luck of getting the hole drilled bang in the middle. Finished with a number of coats of CA and polished up with Meguiars Scratch X.