Blimey - thank you gentlemen
Terry - many thanks
Paulm - yeah its weird, but feels "solid" in the hand - I think i realised the slims have little "wood" - i'm going to try Euros next for the thicker wood feel
Jim - I think I'm going get obsessed, winding the wife up already, going on and on.....
JimJam - thank you, I think some of the black from the brushing got sanded into the wood too on the first pen - rubbed silver by the later ones...
I noticed ring marks around your pens so what do you use to sand your pens with and do you stop the lathe after sanding and sand along the grain you will find this a great help please dont take my comments as a negative as I said you have produced some excellent turnings happy turning
Great help woody, Yeah, I can feel something too, I used Grit 240, 300 - 450 and 600 - in that order, BUT didn't stop the lathe and sand along the grain. I will do this going forward - Thank you.