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Food for thought.


Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
One of the lads I used to work with wanted me to make a couple of knives for him.
He asked for stiletto type, not being able to get the blanks I thought to make from scratch so contacted my mate in steel works to ask him if he had any thin steel I could steal from his skip.
"give me a sample and I'll see what I can do" says he.
I quickly hashed a wooden letter knife together thinking that's as close to a stiletto I can muster at short notice and slung a pen with it and proceeded to the steel works with it.
I came away with some thin and narrow steel, which may or may not do the job i have been asked of.
I also had my sample and pen promising to make him a better one.
This has definitely got me thinking, pictured is the hash up from today. I have an idea for making a bolster and a better knife this is Yew with a Laburnum handle and a yew pen init?
P1070966 (Custom).JPG


grave manibus faciendum
Oct 7, 2013
First Name
That is a very nice shape for a blade, I look forward to seeing the real thing.:thumbs:
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