Not been around much lately I know, too much real life getting in the way of pleasure I'm afraid. However, did this last weekend for a commision from someone at the office.
This is one of the last GW shaving sets as it seems George will not do any more
The blue in this in real life is truly irredescent which is difficult to capture in a picture. The burr is gorgeous.
Buffed using the method George recommends and I have to say it really does work, with care and time you can acheive a finish that almost seems false it's that glasslike.

This is one of the last GW shaving sets as it seems George will not do any more

The blue in this in real life is truly irredescent which is difficult to capture in a picture. The burr is gorgeous.
Buffed using the method George recommends and I have to say it really does work, with care and time you can acheive a finish that almost seems false it's that glasslike.