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Apologies if this is a basic question, bear with me
Inspired by some of the threads on here, I've decided to make a segmented pen from wood.
So I've glued up four sticks of contrasting colours, ready to be drilled, cut then glued together around the brass barrel at my evening class tomorrow night
So my question is, which glue is best for this part? Obviously I've used wood glue to put the sticks together. And I would normally use 5 minute epoxy resin or superglue to put barrels into either drilled wood or acrylic blanks.
I'd quite like to use something quick setting so I can turn it tomorrow night too, but if it takes time and I have to wait to get the best result, so be it.
Thanks in advance
Inspired by some of the threads on here, I've decided to make a segmented pen from wood.
So I've glued up four sticks of contrasting colours, ready to be drilled, cut then glued together around the brass barrel at my evening class tomorrow night
So my question is, which glue is best for this part? Obviously I've used wood glue to put the sticks together. And I would normally use 5 minute epoxy resin or superglue to put barrels into either drilled wood or acrylic blanks.
I'd quite like to use something quick setting so I can turn it tomorrow night too, but if it takes time and I have to wait to get the best result, so be it.
Thanks in advance