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Good price for these kits!


Chief Battonager
Jan 27, 2013
Basingstoke, Hampshire
I happened to wander into Axminster today and saw that they are selling off the Majestic Squire kits at less than half price. If budget weren't a constraint I would have bought all of them (there were six on the shelf) but I did buy two. IMO (and I haven't worked with Dan's new kits) this is the best of the 'single barrel' ballpoint pens by a very wide margin. If you're anywhere near an Axy it might be worth a trip to see whether they have any left. They are out of stock on the website.



General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
I have a batch of them left over from a few years ago.:rolling:

No one particularly liked them then due to the sparkly stone on the clip.

The girls thought they were a little too big and the guys thought they were too gay for them.: :

Still have a one made up but no takers, been in stock a little too long now.
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