've been putting it off for a couple of days convincing myself I need jigs and barrel trimer. Made the jigs but just sanded the blank ends 'cos no trimmer delivered yet.
So finally plucked up the courage today to have a go. I'd glued up one of the nodescript oak blanks so shoved it on and put gouge to wood - very gingerly little by little and expecting to see the glint of brass any second until I dare not go any thinner.
So my very first pen ever:smile-new: and it's not so bad. I could have got the bottom barrel a little closer at the centre band, I did little sanding just with 320 and 400 as I was scared to go through the wood followed by some ancient (see pic) friction polish and I didn't fuss too much with the finish 'cos I need to buy some product. It has a decent shine but photo isn't good.
Is this the oldest friction polish still in use? Even if it has lost most of its get up and go
I'm completely hooked now and wifie loves the pen so onward and upwards.
So finally plucked up the courage today to have a go. I'd glued up one of the nodescript oak blanks so shoved it on and put gouge to wood - very gingerly little by little and expecting to see the glint of brass any second until I dare not go any thinner.
So my very first pen ever:smile-new: and it's not so bad. I could have got the bottom barrel a little closer at the centre band, I did little sanding just with 320 and 400 as I was scared to go through the wood followed by some ancient (see pic) friction polish and I didn't fuss too much with the finish 'cos I need to buy some product. It has a decent shine but photo isn't good.
Is this the oldest friction polish still in use? Even if it has lost most of its get up and go
I'm completely hooked now and wifie loves the pen so onward and upwards.