Terms used in my case its a keepsake rest for a unique pen etc for a mate made from one of the items he serviced and gave me, I had to strip the inside out of the drill and remove the tubing and connections shorten the precious metal, insert brass tubes etc to make it easy to replace the biro. The base Burl is one piece the last one I made was for a foot guy and his wife who share/ run their practice I used my SKF 350,000 rpm drill and a dental burr to make an outline of a pair of hands enclosing two baby feet. They are Vietnamese so I scribed the word Love in the base in Vietnamese, mounted a card holder in Pewter with a pair of swans in Vietnam high regard is shown cause swans tend to mate for life, when I gave it to her I said it would be fun to put on the counter she replied no way someone may touch it. Then I had a belly laugh outside afterwards she said that word is it Love I said yes she said we were both born in Australia. When I first went there the guy pulled out a sliver of steel from one big toe then started shoving needle pricks that I did not feel told me I had Neuropathy in both feet and to be careful, check with a close friend often to prevent probs I was grateful.
Keepsake stuff has unknown beforehand effect with receivers the Pen I handcrafted a small wisdom tooth in the top part of the pen I carved and polished using white Corian using a big fat Dremel tool and tiny burr a wisdom tooth inset so it showed the detail on the crown etc and the root system my Dentist framed the pen on his wall I copied Pam Ayers poem Teeth and Comedian Spike Milligans poem called teeth to go with it. When he worked on my mouth my head was ny on the floor tilted back he is very short around five feet and I am 6 feet plus still conversations were in gurgle. I research for ages enjoy it .The Au govt ran a program that gave oldies like me and SWMBO free extra dental stuff to 4000.00 each two yrs he wised us on this I had nearly 8000.00 extra work done by him. The power of a pen and Pen Rests as I call them.