Apprentice Member
Been a "lurker" for some time as feel unable to provide useful pen turning information to you more experienced turners. Took up pen turning after quitting golf and have enjoyed the last 6 years. My wife makes children's clothes and with my pens, pencils, sewing implements and recently bowls we enjoy our weekly local summer market from 24 May to Labour Day in Sept. Our island is home to a couple of marina's and church camps so the summer population increases exponentially. Vacationers are often looking for memories of their visits so using only locally sourced wood that is what I can give them. We have arbutus/madrone, maple, alder, cypress, deodara cedar, hawthorne, dogwood, plus lots of shrubs like lilac, rhododendron, wild rose, wild crabapple that provide enough wood for blanks. Beauty of pen turning is the size of wood needed for your blanks. Have gone to CA finish which to me high lights the beautiful wood grain.