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Him, her is she or isn't he?


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
Oh well,

I suppose we now have another politically Correct statement to start and have to use in the world today.

I now hear that our schools, colleges and universities are now advising teaching staff to avoid using the words she, he or him and her..

It is now being classed as discriminatory and will be seen as they are victimising against the ones that whish to avoid being "gender specific"

So to fall in line with this I think we should adopt this on the forum and from now on avoid using such terms of reference..:pray:


Bill Mooney

Blind old git
Grand Master
Aug 16, 2014
County Durham
First Name
This isn't school & I'm not a teacher so i can call them what i want on here.:funny: anyway I can't think of many alternatives to him, her, she or he. Before long if I talk to myself when I'm alone in my workshop I will still offend somebody.:face:


Oct 7, 2014
First Name
I do not think, he she him or her does any harm, to change it high lights the problem. Its like you must order coffee without milk not black or chairman it's chair or chairperson :vangry::rant::vangry::rant:


Apr 22, 2013
Amble on the sunny Northumberland coast.
First Name
Here's a contentious viewpoint to add to the debate.

Very few of the things that allegedly offend the gay, transgender, muslim or any other minority groups actually cause offence to the people who they are alleged to offend.

When I worked in the NHS I knew a lot of doctors and nurses of other religions and I cannot recollect any of them being offended by bacon, Christmas or anything else that wasn't downright abuse. I even knew some Jewish and Muslim doctors who secretly enjoyed a bacon sandwich. Short of being called a woolly woofter most of my homosexual friends are offended by very few things, apart from perhaps being accused of being offended by things that don't offend them.

There are two groups of people who perpetrate the myth that these things offend people.

The first group is the loony Corbynista lefties who have never left Islington and think that any opinion other than their own is racist or stupid and are scared shitless of offending someone. Their failure to act for fear of offending is the reason atrocities like the abuse of teenage girls in Rotherhan were allowed to happen. Pretending that the perpetrators were not all Pakistani males was and remains disingenuous and worse than the racism they were trying to avoid being accused of.

The other group is the extreme right wing loonies of the BNP etc who want you to think that the people that they hate in the mysognistic, racist and homophobic world that only exists inside their twisted minds are offended by things that normal people say and do every day. They do this to foment hatred and further their racist and homophobic agenda.

Look behind the Facebook memes and "jokey" e-mails that perpetrate this kind of nonsense and you will find that the source is invariably either some lefty journalist from the Guardian or an extreme right wing website like the BNP or Britain First.

We should stop listening to their poisonous nonsense and concentrate on dealing with the real problems we face. Islamic extremism from the very few muslims who preach and perpetrate hatred in the name of religion and Nazi extremism from the real racists of the extreme right.


Apr 22, 2013
Amble on the sunny Northumberland coast.
First Name
There goes a voice of experience Walter..:thumbs:

I wouldn't call it contentious though

Indeed Eamonn, it shouldn't be. I guess it depends on the audience. If I had made a post like that on Facebook it would most likely have attracted all sorts of abuse from the trolls on both right and left and the deluded idiots who think re-posting extremist propaganda is just a laugh. You of course have the insight and common sense to see the truth in
what I wrote. I should add of course, although I am sure you already realise, that my comments were not aimed at your opening post but at the concept of political correctness in general.


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
I am sure you already realise, that my comments were not aimed at your opening post .

I know where you were coming from and fully understood that, as a thought of anyone would even think of having a go at my original post..:rolling:

My original post was just a knock at PC and was wondering where on earth we are going..
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