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Ok so I made some pens and gave friends and family free pens and Im still learning and making mistakes and making more pens
so what do I do with the rest of them? people are actually avoiding me in the street in case I try to force another pen on them!! lol Anyone wanna buy a pen?
Don't do that Roy, Woody will get 25 years collection out and bore us all to tears for the next 6 months init?
Hide them away somewhere till you do a craft fair.
A nice bunch mate.
Post offices and garden centeres usually good places to start,right by the counter..make a display for them to go on and a bit of laminated A4 telling people how they are unique,hand made etc
Nice set of pens Roy, as the others said, build up a collection and do a craft fair or two and get them into some shops. Remember thought that cheap pens are disposable, Expensive pens are desirable.