Unfortunately you have to pay duty on the postage as well as the item cost
Yes, you're right. I confess I'd forgotten that, and I got my conversion calculation wrong by a few pennies too. The Paul's charge is all down to VAT and the £8 fee.I was under the understanding that anything under £135 was duty free....but it doesn't make a huge amount of difference as you still pay VAT and the handling fee on anything over £15.
Tax and customs for goods sent from abroad: Tax and duty - GOV.UK
When sending to the Uk it is difficult to know whether putting a value on the parcel incurs additional costs at the other end,our buffer is 1000.00 incoming.
Until Hardly Normal gets his way
Wish Amazon would hurry up get here.:up:
When sending to the Uk it is difficult to know whether putting a value on the parcel incurs additional costs at the other end,our buffer is 1000.00 incoming.