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How to make a fountain pen


Apr 22, 2013
Amble on the sunny Northumberland coast.
First Name
Not sure about the hand finishing of the ends on the belt sander, well actually yes I am sure it just isn't accurate enough, but as for the CA method, well as far as I am concerned, the whole objective is to get an even coat on the wood and if this method works for him then why not? Might even give it a try; nothing ventured. . . .


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
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Between centres is common Ray as you don't need bushes, it was the only way at one time that I turned them, it's only the advent of Mandrels and bushes that started the explosion of simple pen turning.

I guess he still does it his own way.


May 21, 2013
Hitchin, Hertfordshire
First Name
Dont like youtube productions as they have been produced to satisfy peoples egos in the main. Happy to assume that the bloke isnt on piece work!!!!

Watch what he does with the CA, which in my opinion, as I have previously mentioned a zillion times is not the right glue for the job, he "rims" the glue on the inside of the tube, then turns the blank up the other way and puts the tube, on which he has only put a single line of glue in from the other end. Doh. With the varying setting yimes of CA dependent on the humidity levels in the room or shed this is likely to end up with bits of tube sticking out of blanks.

Not very clever holding the blank and carrying out deep boring techniques with what looks like a blunt tool as this is more than likely to slip and shred your palm. He also puts his hand over the drill when drilling, doesnt use the diesel engine starter grip which is infinitely preferable as if it all goes pear shaped you can get your hand out of the way a damn site quicker than if you have the drill bit in the area between your thumb and forefinger.

Be easier to get a tool rest the right length rather than using a skew at three inches!

I like the MIlescraft pen press, much easier than altering the length of the bat each time but dont think its a good idea to hold the domed end of the pen against the aluminium plunger on the lever side, I have an axminster press but have replaced the white plastic stop with a wooden one with a slight concave recess to hold the tops of pens so that dont do a bolero over the press components.

As to the CA method, not too dissimilar to my method but I get away with two applications. Cant be doing with the faffing around cleaning the tubes in between grits, and what is the point in going all the way through the grits to then sand the end of the tubes and put the blank back on the lathe and repeat the last four grits???

Perhaps the blank chipped away because he was using a skew as a scraper?

All a bit slow but as hes not on a time budget so be it but it would drive me nuts, Id have got the whole thin done and dusted in about five minutes!


Apr 22, 2013
Amble on the sunny Northumberland coast.
First Name
never mind finish etc why would he turn the barrels without a mandrel and bushings ??

a) because he can.

b) because it saves buying a different set of bushings for every kit type.

c) because it requires a bit of skill rather than being something you could train a monkey to do.

d) because it is more accurate than using a mandrel if done properly.


May 21, 2013
Hitchin, Hertfordshire
First Name
a) because he can.

b) because it saves buying a different set of bushings for every kit type.

c) because it requires a bit of skill rather than being something you could train a monkey to do.

d) because it is more accurate than using a mandrel if done properly.

I know, I am that monkey!!!! Anyone seen the bananas?:banana:


Apr 22, 2013
Amble on the sunny Northumberland coast.
First Name
Dont like youtube productions as they have been produced to satisfy peoples egos in the main. Happy to assume that the bloke isnt on piece work!!!!

Watch what he does with the CA, which in my opinion, as I have previously mentioned a zillion times is not the right glue for the job, he "rims" the glue on the inside of the tube, then turns the blank up the other way and puts the tube, on which he has only put a single line of glue in from the other end. Doh. With the varying setting yimes of CA dependent on the humidity levels in the room or shed this is likely to end up with bits of tube sticking out of blanks.

Not very clever holding the blank and carrying out deep boring techniques with what looks like a blunt tool as this is more than likely to slip and shred your palm. He also puts his hand over the drill when drilling, doesnt use the diesel engine starter grip which is infinitely preferable as if it all goes pear shaped you can get your hand out of the way a damn site quicker than if you have the drill bit in the area between your thumb and forefinger.

Be easier to get a tool rest the right length rather than using a skew at three inches!

I like the MIlescraft pen press, much easier than altering the length of the bat each time but dont think its a good idea to hold the domed end of the pen against the aluminium plunger on the lever side, I have an axminster press but have replaced the white plastic stop with a wooden one with a slight concave recess to hold the tops of pens so that dont do a bolero over the press components.

As to the CA method, not too dissimilar to my method but I get away with two applications. Cant be doing with the faffing around cleaning the tubes in between grits, and what is the point in going all the way through the grits to then sand the end of the tubes and put the blank back on the lathe and repeat the last four grits???

Perhaps the blank chipped away because he was using a skew as a scraper?

All a bit slow but as hes not on a time budget so be it but it would drive me nuts, Id have got the whole thin done and dusted in about five minutes!

Must admit the first time I watched it I just skipped to the bits Eamonn mentioned. After watching it again I agree with pretty much everything you say Neil. You know my views on holding onto the chuck when drilling. All in all another pile of YouTube shite.


Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
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I agree with your comments only differing in the ca application method.
I have seen this used often and done it myself, I don't find it unusual.


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Dangerous to use the sander that way, there is a chance that you leave a gap between the wood and the CA .. Which can sometimes look like it has blistered .. I done it .. :whistling:
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