You might want coffee or whisky before this.
Initially it appeared to be an Edge and IE related issue on Windows 10. Tested on two machines running different AV (Avira/Eset) in Edge/IE/Chrome. Chrome functions fine, in Edge/IE the hyperlink doesn't pop in the lower status box meaning the browser is limiting access to it.
This is most likely, as Phil says, due to the special characters in the string of the thread title. I suspected the % as this is used to represent specific special characters in hyperlinks via ASCII/UTF-8 table lookups.
We want to see this:
http://somewebsite/some photo.jpg
But this is how it's presented so the machine can understand the space, which itself is represented as a ASCII/UTF-8 table lookup in hex notation with the % being the indicator to the browser:
That would mean Edge/IE are reading the link including the ' !*@^%)@' and either trying to evaluate %)@ as a hex value, which, er, doesn't exist as hex values are only 0-9 and A-F (or a combination thereof), or is simply ignoring the link as it's technically invalid as % is a reserved character for encoding.
A bit more digging shows the actual link that the forum is presenting through Chrome to you is:
The forum has already replaced some of the characters and the ^ has been encoded to hex as %5E, but the remaining trailing % still exists and hasn't been encoded. If you copy/paste that URL into Edge/IE it won't go anywhere.
It appears that Chrome is reading this URL and dynamically replacing the unencoded % with %25 which is it's correct value, therefore working around the problem.
If we manually modify the URL and encode the % ourselves we get the following link (note the %25):
Here's an actual link of the above:*@^%-@-etsy.html
Now, go paste that into Edge or IE, it works fine. By all means paste it into Chrome too, it takes you to the same place.
In summary: It looks like, for some unknown reasons, the forum software doesn't appear to have encoded the second % value correctly to %25 and Edge/IE are following international standards to the letter (see the IETF / RFC links below), therefore ignoring the link. Not ruling out other possibilities of course, and this is a niche case.
Quickest solution: Mods, edit the thread title to remove the %'s.
Now, where's that coffee.
ASCII / Hex values for standard characters in URL Encoding:
HTML URL Encoding Reference
RFC for URL Encoding:
RFC 3986 - Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax
The Internet Engineering Task Force:
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)